Medic??Or bachelor of Medicine??wow!!!sounds fantastic isn't it??When we still child,our mom alway said..."Tak makan ubat,karang doktor inject"..Wowieee~At that time..I thought that a doctor is like a serial killer..hahahaha!!Hey..most mom said that chit-chat behind me..But,the purpose I'm writing today..are not because to talk about our opinion about doctor..I want to talk about the live,risk and challenge you have to face if you want to be a doctor..Well!!you probably saying this.--->"Ek eleh minah nie..baru first year da gelabah..sibuk2 nak cerita pasal doktor"..daaaa~~Do I care??you people just know how to make other people feels bad about themselves..
There are juniors of me..asking it tough to take medicine??
Answer : Well,honey..indeed it is..because you learn about people..and there are many diseases in this world..and every each seconds..there are new diseases found..means doctor have to keep learning..
Well..I know I'm still in this first year..But,the experience of being a medicine student..really ____________ Don't know how to describe can fill in the blank by yourself..hehehe!!I do feel great..when studying..because I can relate it to ourself...Other than that,I'm just astonished by my doctors(lectures) in my university..they were just like a book you know..all thing in their heads..if you ask them any questions..they surely can answer it right away..:)!!
Meet with with my seniors who already in the fifth year or fourth makes me think..How can they learn all this..they have been through all I've been through earlier..yet,they manage to SURVIVE..hehehe!!Trust is not easy..I know other courses too..but,the risk are higher with medicine..because you deal with live later when you already graduate..It is not a thing to play with.. are my thought about this..
"Studying medicine are tough..Practice it are much tougher"
Despite that thought..I'm still in love with medicine..Only people who thinks medicine is really their should go for it..You're helping people..It is a noble works by the way..:)!!!
But...NOW!!!!!!------>>>>>FINAL EXAM INCOMING!!!!!!!!!!
Wish me luck people..Pray that I manage to get mumtaz..Thus,allow me to take one step further and closer to be a doctor..Insha Allah..:)!!
Am I one of those girls??hehehe..absolutely rubbish already..I'm just want to say am I look fantastic in that white coat and holding those stetescope??people tend to say..Doctors are just amazing with their white coat..hahahaha!!For those who thinks to take medicine after your graduate from your high should have a really3 STRONG WILL!!!Because you have to prepare yourself with the pressure..and never give up!!!!Last but not least..MEDICINE IS MY LIFE!!!
yeahhhh can do it girl!!