1 December 2013

~4th Year~

Peace upon you all, Assalamualaikum.

Alhamdulillah. Though heavy storm been pouring my journey of 3rd year in medicine faculty, I manage to succeed on to the next step of 4th year. Old days, about 3 years ago around 2010, looking at seniors who had been in my place right now, I envy them. Well, that time, 4th year seems so far for us. But, all praises to Allah The Merciful because He ease my journey till now and I'm praying for another 2 years more to complete my degree also with ease and flying colours. Insha Allah. Amin.

Starting my 4th year late. Spending more time in Malaysia. haha. And just recovered from fever and recurringly asthma attack due to weather change. Alhamdulillah. Now, I'm healthy as a horse. There's a proverb or an idiom says that, " An apple a day keeps the doctor away". What should I do?? I have to meet them all days during classes. I mean I'm a medicine students. Thus, it is legit that I don't want to keep them away. Moreover, I'm not very fond of apple. I don't know why. But, it just don't fit my taste bud.

I've got about 4-5 subjects this year. ENT ( ear,nose and throat), Ophthalmology
( study of eyes ), Forensic, Toxicology and last but not least Community Medicine. So far for me, ophthalmology is in my gene. I can say it like that because its interesting and I'm enjoying the class and also with forensic and toxicology. That's because I think its fascinating when all the CSI and Bone series that I've been watching since ages now makes sense. Funny isn't it??. Community Medicine or the acronym is 'commed' quite bored because I've to deal back with the calculator and calculus where as the main reason I took medicine is to avoid all that. Pity me. Luckily just the normal stuff about variance,mean and etc.

The main obstacle for me now is ENT. The doctors who has been teaching were quite uninteresting. Though, there are few of them, I'm enjoying their classes. But, when it comes to see the patients, I don't know, look into someone's ear makes me tingling all over. I rather seeing patient's with eye problems rather than ear and nose. Have to overcome this. Been trying and praying to do so. So, I guess that's all for now about my early journey for 4th year and I've got mid term examination and praying for me, Umie Nadiah Shalahuddin to do well and excellent. Insha Allah. Amin. Till then, xoxo.
