Ok la..hari nie..aku nak share dengan kamu semua mengenai satu artikel or entri blog actually..which I think it is interesting to share..:)!!Aku dapat nie from Zuera Rasiddin..aku suke baca dia punya novel-novel glerkkk!!ayat dia pon sempoi je..nampak kemantangan berfikir dalam novel-novel dia..:)!!Keep up the good work..:)!!
Aku rasa topik aku hari nie sangat menarik sebab we gonna talk about LOVE..hehehe!!korang semua mesti suka kan??kan3??bohong la kalau ada orang cakap dia x suka pada cinta..sebab cinta itu perlu..Yang paling tinggi adalah cinta kepada Pencipta..:)!!
Move on bebeh!!Mengikut kajian oleh John Lee (1973,1988)..Ada 6 jenis cinta..John Lee describe love nie sebagai colours of love..and he also wrote a book about this and the title is Colors Of Love..In this book..he describe all theory about love..So,yang rasa diri dia jiwang diluar sana boleh la try cari buku nie..or yang tengah mencari cinta pon boleh jugak..:)!!Korang boleh buat sebagai panduan korang..cewahhh!!hahaha!!
6 Types Of Love
EROS ---> This type of love means romantic ,passionate ,love what Tennov labelled limerence. In this type of relationship,love is life's most important thing.Lee said it as a search of physical beauty or an ideal type also typifies this type love.
Lets make this simple..ok la..Cinta jenis nie maksudnya macam korang yakinla yang your lover tu cinta sejati..cinta korang berbalas..Korang terasa nak kongsi everything dengan dia dan korang willing to do anything just to be by his/her side..Masing-masing memberi komitmen in this type of relationship..and Insha Allah..will end up with marriage..:)!!
LUDUS ---> This is a game playing love or uncommitted love. Lying is part of the game. A person who pursues ludic love may have many conquest but they remain uncommitted.
Make it simple..orang yang korang gelar Playboy or Playgirl tergolong dalam jenis nie la..Mereka main-main dan x bersedia untuk memberi komitmen dalam relationship..Kiranya main-main cinta..x kisah pon kalau korang break dengan dyorang..coz for them..quantity is important..Macam satu pergi..ada lagi spare part..adoyai!!siapa la yang macam nie??
STORGE ---> pronounce it as STORE-gay..haha!!This type of love is a slow developing, friendship-based love. People with this type of relationship like to participate in activities together. Often storge result in long-term relationship in which sex might not be very intense and passionate.
Simple..nama lain bagi cinta nie adalah Companiote Love..Love jenis nie based on friendship..First2..korang kawan dengan orang tu..Tiba-tiba,cinta pon berputik antara korang..cewaaaahhh!!very the cliche..hehehe!!Maybe because you're getting closer with that particular person..and accidentally you share the same interest and thoughts..that's make you feel comfortable and love pop up..hehehe!!
PRAGMA ---> pragmatic, practical, mutually beneficial relationship..It may be somewhat unromantic..A person who leans towards this type of relationship may look for a partner at work or where the person spending their time.
Cinta jenis nie plak..dia xkan bercinta dengan orang yang x bagi pape kebaikan untuk dia..Maksudnya, ade konsep "Give and Take" kat sini..dyorang fikir ikut logic je..tak romantik dan tak pentingkan cinta..dalam fikiran dyorang selalu ada pmikiran yang sebegini..kalau aku kahwin dengan ko..aku dapat apa??ko sesuai ke untuk ak??ha..macam nie la yang dikatakan sebagai PRAGMA LOVE!!!
MANIA ---> is mania..not mafia ok..tapi, boleh la dipanggil sebagai mafia..sebab this type of love quite dangerous..Mania is obsessive and possessive love , jealous and extreme..A person in love in this kind of love is likely to do something silly or crazy such as stalking..:)!!
Simple...nie kira sanggup mati la kalau orang yang dia cinta suh dia cinta..ala!!korang takkan tak faham jenis cinta nie..drama melayu selalu ada kut watak-watak macam nie..adoyai!!buat sakit hati je..spesies jenis orang tak faham bahasa..kalau orang tu tak suka..dok jugak paksa orang tu cinta or accept their love..another situation...that person is tend to be very protective or queen control...semua kena bagitahu..korang cakap dengan opposite sex though pasal kerja ke..dyorang da jeles..ha!!faham tak??punya panjang lebar aku terang..hehehe!!!
AGAPE----> awat la payah benor nak pronounce nie..ha..macam nie kalau nak sebut..(a-GOP-aye)..bior terbelit sikit lidah tu..hehehe!!AGAPE is a gentle, caring, giving type of love, brotherly love, not concerned with self...It is relatively rare..
Ok la..cinta jenis nie willingly to do anything for their loved one...neglect themselves whether they in the middle of something or what..for them..your happiness are the only thing they hope for..:)!!so sweet..dyorang tak harapkan balasan pon atas apa yang dyorang berikan....tapi,cinta jenis nie bukan setakat boyfriend-girlfiriend matter..It can be family and relationship..or whatever kind of relationship you had..:)!!
Tak kisah la korang yang mana satu..semua ada pro dan kontra..betul??tapi,yang pasti cinta itu perlu dalam hidup..tanpa cinta..kita ibarat hidup dalam kegelapan..aku cakap secara general..harap korang faham-faham la ok??Just wanna share some information with you..Hope you like it..hehehe!!Anyway..all this depend on yourself..what kind of person in love you wanna be..hehehe!!Just,remember to love and be love is needed..:)!!